Rankings Overview
<[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults)"/]> rankings for <[ECHO text="keywords.size()"/]> keywordsOnline Visibility Score
<[ECHO text="visibilityScore"/]>% <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 0 && visibilityScore < 10"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="poorVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 9 && visibilityScore < 15"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryLowVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 14 && visibilityScore < 21"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="lowVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 20 && visibilityScore < 36"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="moderateVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 35 && visibilityScore < 51"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="goodVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 50 && visibilityScore < 66"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryGoodVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 65 && visibilityScore < 81"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="strongVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 80 && visibilityScore < 91"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryStrongVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 90"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="excellentVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]>Rank Checking Mode
<[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> top results in <[ECHO text="searchEngines.size()"/]> search enginesRankings Distribution
rankings * | |
■ Page 1 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> <[IF condition="rankPage1Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankPage1Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage1Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankPage1Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage1Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Page 2 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 20) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> <[IF condition="rankPage2Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankPage2Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage2Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankPage2Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage2Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Page 3 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 30) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 20)"/]> <[IF condition="rankPage3Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankPage3Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage3Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankPage3Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankPage3Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Other (up to <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> results) | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 30)"/]> <[IF condition="rankOtherDifference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankOtherDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankOtherDifference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankOtherDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankOtherDifference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
Page 1 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> |
Page 2 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 20) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> |
Page 3 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 30) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 20)"/]> |
Other | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 30)"/]> |
First Page Visibility
rankings * | |
■ Ranked 1st | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 1)"/]> <[IF condition="rank1stDifference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rank1stDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank1stDifference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rank1stDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank1stDifference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Ranked 2nd | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 2) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 1)"/]> <[IF condition="rank2ndDifference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rank2ndDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank2ndDifference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rank2ndDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank2ndDifference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Ranked 3 - 5 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 5) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 2)"/]> <[IF condition="rank3To5Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rank3To5Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank3To5Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rank3To5Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank3To5Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
■ Ranked 6 - 10 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 5)"/]> <[IF condition="rank3To5Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rank5To10Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank5To10Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rank5To10Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rank5To10Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> |
Ranked 1st | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 1)"/]> |
Ranked 2nd | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines,2) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 1)"/]> |
Ranked 3 - 5 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 5) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 2)"/]> |
Ranked 6 - 10 | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10) - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines,5)"/]> |
Ranking Changes
rankings * | |
■ Moved up | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedUp(compareAgainst)"/]> |
■ Moved down | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedDown(compareAgainst)"/]> |
■ Entered Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getEnteredTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> |
■ Left Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getLeftTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> |
Moved up | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedUp(compareAgainst)"/]> |
Moved down | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedDown(compareAgainst)"/]> |
Entered Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getEnteredTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> |
Left Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getLeftTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> |
Rankings Overview
Top Rankings | Ranking Changes | ||
In Top 10: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> <[IF condition="rankTop10Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankTop10Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop10Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankTop10Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop10Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> | Moved up: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedUp(compareAgainst)"/]> ▲ |
In Top 20: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 20)"/]> <[IF condition="rankTop20Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankTop20Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop20Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankTop20Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop20Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> | Moved down: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getMovedDown(compareAgainst)"/]> ▼ |
In Top 30: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, 30)"/]> <[IF condition="rankTop30Difference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankTop30Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop30Difference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankTop30Difference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankTop30Difference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> | Not changed: | <[ECHO text="keywords.size() * searchEngines.size() - (keywords.getMovedDown(compareAgainst) + keywords.getMovedUp(compareAgainst))"/]> ■ |
In Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]>: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults)"/]> <[IF condition="rankMaxResultsDifference < 0"]> <[THEN]> (<[ECHO text="rankMaxResultsDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankMaxResultsDifference > 0"]> <[THEN]> (+<[ECHO text="rankMaxResultsDifference"/]>) <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]><[IF condition="rankMaxResultsDifference == 0"]> <[THEN]> - <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> | Entered Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]>: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getEnteredTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> ◄ |
Not in Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]>: | <[ECHO text="keywords.size() * searchEngines.size() - keywords.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults)"/]> |
Left Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]>: | <[ECHO text="keywords.getLeftTop(compareAgainst, maxResults)"/]> ► |
Search Engines Overview (a total of <[ECHO text="searchEngines.size()"/]> search engines checked)
# | Search Engine | Rank 1 | In Top 10 | Visibility | ||
<[ECHO text="searchEngineCounter"/]> | " alt="" width="16" height="16" /> | "><[ECHO text="searchEngine.name" cut="25"/]> | .png" alt="" width="25" height="15" class="left country_flag" /> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngine, 1)"/]> | <[ECHO text="keywords.getInTop(searchEngine, 10)"/]> | <[ECHO text="Math.round((keywords.getVisibilityScore(searchEngine) * 100) / (keywords.size() * 30))"/]>% |
Top <[ECHO text="topCount"/]> best ranked keywords<[IF condition="keywords.size() > topCount"]><[THEN]> (out of <[ECHO text="keywords.size()"/]> keywords analysed)<[/THEN]><[/IF]>
- <[ECHO text="dateFormat.format(currentDate)"/]>
# | Keyword | Rank 1 | In Top 10 | In Top 20 | In Top <[ECHO text="maxResults"/]> | Visibility |
<[ECHO text="keywordCounter"/]> | "><[ECHO text="keyword.query"/]> | <[ECHO text="keyword.getInTop(searchEngines, 1)"/]> | <[ECHO text="keyword.getInTop(searchEngines, 10)"/]> | <[ECHO text="keyword.getInTop(searchEngines, 20)"/]> | <[ECHO text="keyword.getInTop(searchEngines, maxResults)"/]> | <[ECHO text="Math.round((keyword.getVisibilityScore(searchEngines) * 100) / (searchEngines.size() * 30))"/]>% |
About this report
This search engine rankings report has been created by " target="_blank"><[ECHO text="company.name"/]> for your personal information.
It is tailored for your specific website and will give you detailed information on the exact ranking positions of your targeted keyword phrases in all major search engines for every page within your website.
Please note that all the above information was accurate at the time the report was generated.
For further details please do not hesitate to ">contact us.
Visibility Score Progress Chart
- <[ECHO text="dateFormat.format(currentDate)"/]>
Visibility: <[ECHO text="Math.round((keywords.getVisibilityScore(searchEngines) * 100) / (keywords.size() * searchEngines.size() * 30))"/]>% - <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 0 && visibilityScore < 10"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="poorVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 9 && visibilityScore < 15"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryLowVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 14 && visibilityScore < 21"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="lowVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 20 && visibilityScore < 36"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="moderateVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 35 && visibilityScore < 51"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="goodVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 50 && visibilityScore < 66"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryGoodVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 65 && visibilityScore < 81"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="strongVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 80 && visibilityScore < 91"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="veryStrongVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[ELSE]> <[IF condition="visibilityScore > 90"]> <[THEN]> <[ECHO text="excellentVisibility"/]> <[/THEN]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]> <[/ELSE]> <[/IF]>